Seeking New Board Members

The Mill Brook Civic Association is looking for community residents to add to our board. If you have two hours a month to share and enjoy working on a team, please consider joining us at one of our monthly board meetings to see what we do. You can do it too. If you enjoy living in Mill Brook, ask yourself why. Is it because there’s a real feeling of neighborhood? Is it because there’s a dedicated association that plans concerts, supports picnics, and organizes beautification projects? A group that holds meetings to keep the community informed, liaisons between police, local government, and the mall that borders us? If you want to be a part of the bigger picture, please Contact Us and address message to Membership Committee. We’re your neighbors and we’d love to hear from you. Even better, see you.


Our Recent Post

March 27, 2024
Come out and join us at our Spring community meeting! We have a packed agenda and excited to share progress from our last meeting. This is your opportunity to hear from your civic leaders and more!! You don't want to miss this meeting.
October 26, 2023
Come out and join us at our Fall community meeting! We have a packed agenda and this is your opportunity to hear from our civic leaders, details about the gas line installations and so much more!! You don't want to miss this meeting.
October 26, 2023
October 26, 2023
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